Thursday, January 25

Guess What?... Its somthing I am saying WOO HOO for!

GUESS WHAT? I AM GOING SKI-ING day after tomorrow (saturday) ''I really almost for got, ''INSHALLAH''!!!! SO SO SO excited, other people think it is not such a big thing or not that exciting, I don't know, why? What do you think it is exciting, and some people think it is not exciting because you could fall like my freind says (Sarah), Is that true? WELL, I DON'T CARE WHAT THEY SAY! I AM TOO EXCITED NO MATTER WHAT!!!


Anonymous said...

I think it is fun. I don't know who says it is not fun.
So did you go yet? How was it? Did you fall?

Reem said...

i went, it was FUN! Alhamdulilah, but we went 4 the first time so we did not go on a big mountian there is a beginner mountian we even took a class so did my dad, my mom and baby sis. did not go, we were better than our dad (WE: me and brother) there was a moving rope you grab on it and it slides you to the top, the only thing i did not like was the boots, and getting up when i fall

Reem said...

anywas who r u?

Anonymous said...

I am me!

Reem said...

what is your name!?

Sarah said...

S'up! Thank god you did not fall! and reem do not be specifec next time, and say MY NAME! next time just say friend ok! Well, I will call you! bye!

Anonymous said...

It is true that you can fall! My friend fell while skiing before!

Reem said...

then what happend????

Anonymous said...

Hey its me again. the girl from the party. I remember the day i went skiing for the first time. IT WAS SO MUCH FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I didn't take a lesson though so i was trying to teach my self to do everything and it was hard! I kept falling! I didn't get to go on the mountain though i just practiced moving around and changing direction. After my first time I didn't go again but Inshallah I'll go soon. What Mountain did you go to ?

Anonymous said...

When my friend fell, her leg broke 3 places and her arm broke it's joint.Th other had to take the whole thing off!

*Anon Girl*

Zahra said...

As Salaamu alaikum

i'm glad you enjoyed yourself! I really want to learn to ski someday inshaAllah or snowboard. But snowboarding seems a bit scarier :S For now I just sled. :)

Aalia said...

I wish i could go skiing.

I am not aalia.